
Role in Cosuteki: Model & Weapon Smith
Age: 24
Favorite Animes:

Favorite Games:
Cosuteki - Monster Hunter Cosuteki - WoW

Although this is my first real cosplay foray, I’ve been into lolita fashion for a few years. So, dressing up in fancy outfits is no stranger to me. My first introduction into anime was when I was in elementary school with Dragon Ball Z and occasionally Sailor Moon when I was up early enough to watch it before leaving. Since then I’ve gone down the slippery slope of Saturday morning cartoons until I eventually landed in the anime fandom. One of my favorite series of all time is Gundam which, unbeknownst to me, I was introduced to well before DBZ and Sailor Moon. When I was six years old my hairdresser used to give me gundam model kits for behaving while I got my hair cut. Since discovering what those were from, after watching G Gundam, I have been infatuated with the Gundam multiverse and will completely talk your ear off about anything from stupid plots to mobile suit specs given the opportunity.

Outside of cosplay I play World of Warcraft religiously (Staghelm represent!) and have an undying love for the Monster Hunter franchise. In the real world I build gunpla as my primary hobby. That and my modeling is how I became the weaponsmith for Cosuteki. I love to see great gunpla models that people put their heart and soul into so if you have something cool, show me!

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